Recipe: Yummy Beef patty with fried sweet potatoes and salad

Beef patty with fried sweet potatoes and salad.

Beef patty with fried sweet potatoes and salad You can have Beef patty with fried sweet potatoes and salad using 0 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Beef patty with fried sweet potatoes and salad

Beef patty with fried sweet potatoes and salad step by step

  1. Mix mince with onions and seasonings together. Make into patties..
  2. Peel the sweet potatoes and slice them(they need to be boiled). Place the potatoes on a pan with oil, let them cook both sides for at least 4-5 minutes each..
  3. Cook the patties on a pan with enough oil for 7 minutes each side l. Serve with salad..

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